(from Articles of Incorporation: Article IV) :
The general purpose, for which the Association is formed, are as follows:
- To promote Vedic and Ancient Indian Studies in all its forms.
- To conduct multidisciplinary activities for research and study of Vedic and Ancient Indian Traditions including its History, Philosophy, Science, Psychology, Literature, Scriptures, Linguistics, Archaeology, and so on.
- To support researches and studies in various Vedic sub-specialties such as Chronology, Rituals, Philology, Astronomy, Yoga, Ayurveda, classical religious works (Veda, Puranas, Epics, Shastras, Smritis, etc.), Sanskrit, and other Indic languages, linguistics, and contemporary works.
- To encourage research in developing all aspects of Vedic and Ancient Indian Traditions.
- To promote universal, intellectual, ethical traditions enshrined in Vedas and other works of Ancient Indian origin.